Monday 18 December 2023

Harbingers of light


John 3:19

And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.

Light is vulnerable and fragile

Yet persistent and tenacious

Even the faintest, flickering glimmer of light

overcomes the darkness

uncovering what is hidden

bringing transformation and hope

Light is gentle

Yet possesses a strength that presses on

until the darkness is driven out

not all at once but bit by bit

defeated by light’s refusal to give up

Light is resilient

Just at the moment

when it seems it will be snuffed out

light recovers and grows stronger

creating shadows and patterns that signal its triumph 

over all that threatens its existence 

May we be harbingers of light

protecting every gentle flicker

and fanning into flame every tentative glimmer

Suffusing the darkness of the world

with the joyous light of Christ

that cannot be extinguished

(Liz Crumlish)

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