Thursday, 1 May 2008

In the clouds

This is the season of Ascension for many Christians. When we celebrate Jesus being "taken up into the clouds". All the physical and historical arguments have never bothered me in relation to faith. I love a good story. And I love mystery. None of that stops me believing in a loving God whose call is to human beings to love and care for each other - the essence of being christian. In biblical stories, lots of important events were shrouded in cloud imagery. And often, in those clouds, the most amazing things happened, folk were changed beyond recognition. Many christians today still operate swathed in clouds but these are clouds that they are happy to hide in so that their actions which aren't faithful to God's call can be obscured. What would it take today for the clouds to be parted and for the sun to shine through and for us to live in the light of love rather than hide behind the clouds?


  1. Another great photo, which is a very special feature of your blogs, Liz.

  2. Well said. Hadn't thought about the good mystery part. But what a great question.

  3. Mike, thanks. We're lucky to be so surrounded by all these photo opportunities.


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