Wednesday 1 February 2023

On St Brigid’s Day


A prayer on St Brigid’s Day

As I dipped my hand 

in the well of eternal youth

that it is said was blessed by St Brigid

and splashed the cooling water on my face

my prayer was not for youthfulness

but for wisdom

for peace

and for laughter

For the spirit of Brigid

and her divine feminine energy

That same Brigid

who turned water into beer

who prayed for an end to suffering 

Who cared for children

who welcomed women

I pray for her humour that disarmed

so much of the patriarchy around her

I pray for some of her indefatigable spirit

that brings newness every day

and is filled with compassion

and tenderness 

for all of creation

And, this I know - there is always room for more beer


  1. Today was the first day that February 1st was celebrated as a National Holiday in the Republic of Ireland.
    Saint Brigid is amazingly the only female Saint celebrated in the Republic of Ireland.
    It seems that Saint Brigid deserves to be celebrated not just for miraculously creating rather a lot of beer....!

  2. Much more! Thank you


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