John 13:5
Then Jesus poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.
The dust with which Lent began is
Dust of life and of death
Dust of loss and uncertainty
Dust of fear and despair
Dust in the rubble
of hopes and dreams
of cities laid to waste
Dust in the ashes
of indiscriminate missiles
and in the soil of mass graves
And in the dust
communities gather
united in their sorrow
defiant in their grief
refusing to give up on love
Out of dust
tear-streaked dust
they have gathered up dignity
and moved to mobilise hope
and sought to overcome evil
And the God who fashioned humanity out of dust
kneels in the dust
with those who weep
with those who mourn
and with those who stand against might
breathing life and hope
as in the beginning
And the earth cries out
for another miracle
to be wrought out of dust.