Someone has written
something new
in the ashes of your life.
You are not leaving.
Even as the light fades quickly now,
you are arriving.
David Whyte - The Journey
Every year I find myself
yearning the loss of summer
resisting the onset of autumn
I’m never ready
for shorter days
and colder nights
or for the darkness
that wraps itself around
curtailing outdoor activity to fewer hours.
Even though I appreciate the beauty of the woods
in all its many hues
and the carpet of fallen leaves
through which to crunch and look for conkers
And the wind on the beach
where I can gulp clean, fresh air
even as it whips up the sand
and re-lays it in unfamiliar patterns
“Not yet,” I want to cry.
This year the passing of summer
is just one more loss
in a landscape of grief
with all it’s crevices and craters
It’s taken me a while to realise that I was sitting with grief
For she comes to us in many guises.
Yet in the knowing
there comes a companionship
a forging of friendship
an intimacy
with the emotions she releases
with the knowledge she uncovers
with the wisdom she reveals.
Grief becomes for us
a stepping off point
from which and in which
we are reconnected
with who we are
and with whose we are
We are strong enough to embrace
each new season with the gifts it brings
and the truths it reveals
Strong enough to let go of what has defined us
and, with gratitude,
embrace the freedom
to be changed for a new season
of love and fruitfulness
borne up by the unrelenting
love and persistence of God
who joins us to rake through the ashes of our life
sitting with us until we discover
that the new was there all along.
Together, we can do this.