Far from home and unable to communicate with family by phone, it was suggested that we might be visible on a nearby webcam. So, donning Mardi Gras masks, my friend and I located the camera and hung around for a few minutes, not knowing whether or not we would be in the right place at the right time and be recognised. The wonderful thing is that schedules DID manage to collide and our families saw behind the masks. How exciting it was to discover that our attempt at communication had succeeded and how good it felt to have made our families smile.
God's schedule collides with ours every moment, unrecognised or not, and God's smile is never far away. We are beloved children of God, with or without our masks!
Pre-Skype, back when I fell for my now-husband and then went back to finish a degree 2000 miles away, he found webcams on the university campus and I walked by them while he watched online. Funny, the ways we feel connected, isn't it?