Sunday, 27 November 2011


This year, we're having a Chrismon tree in church - an evergreen tree adorned with white and gold Christ Monograms - all symbols of christian life and faith, and lit by white lights, symbols of Christ the light of the world.
Not only is it a lovely focus for our journey through Advent, it has also been a wonderful teaching tool for our youth church over the past few weeks as they learned the significance of the Chrismon tree and created decorations for it. They shared that teaching with the whole church this morning.
Advent is one of those rare seasons in the church when we allow the children to teach the adults. We try to see the story through the eyes of children. So very fitting as we prepare to welcome the Christ child.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, thanx for this, I have never heard of "Chrismon" so off to google it now!!
    So looking forward to my daily reading throughout Advent:~)


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