Monday, 22 August 2011

Picturing the word

Had another wonderfully creative day with the spill the beans team today. There is lots of midnight oil to be burned in putting advent and epiphany to bed but what a wonderfully stimulating session of just looking at the word, seeing it and hearing it from so many angles and with so many nuances. Today I also became aware of something very obvious - there is no reason that we can't have that sort of tussle with the text with folk in our congregations on a regular basis. No preparation needed - just a willingness to let the text speak for itself!

1 comment:

  1. Okay - I am so jazzed! I just downloaded my free offering from Spill the Beans! Awesome! I love the graphics. Am excited about content. And am just crazy about the fact that I know one of the authors! How very cool you are! How lucky I am to call you friend. What a blessing. Hugs. Beth


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