Matthew 2:11-12
On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.
On this feast of Epiphany
what will be the gifts that we bring?
How will we continue to worship the babe in the manger
and honour God with us
while sheltering in place?
We will bring our gold, our frankincense and our myrrh:
The gold of friendship, of reaching out to others
constantly affirming connectedness and belovedness
The frankincense of random acts of kindness,
permeating community with a spirit of joy in giving and receiving
The myrrh of prayer quietly yet persistently offered
for the healing of the world
And we will remember the danger
for those whose homes are not safe
Those who are locked in loveless relationships
Those who have slipped through the net of benefits provision
Those who have to choose
between food or heat
Those without digital connectivity
Those juggling work and child care
Praying for wisdom to know
how best to serve and work alongside our neighbour
And what is the other road
we are being called to travel?
Devoid of our usual tools
and places and props
how will we discern
the adventure
to which God beckons?
And how will we
appreciate the moments of the journey
as they unfold
without being distracted
by what might be our destination
using each step along the way
to pause and reflect
to wonder and enquire
to what we are being called
in this time and place.
The star has stopped
and the journey continues
to follow the baby
into danger and challenge
calling out injustice
noising up establishment
practising impropriety
all in the name of love
and witness to
God with us