A few years ago, I organized a retreat for clergy right at the beginning of advent.
I explained to colleagues that it was important to take time out to prepare for the season before all hell broke loose in the headlong rush into Christmas. A colleague very gently reminded me that, rather than all hell breaking loose, what we were preparing for was all heaven breaking loose. How true. We celebrate God coming into the world in human form. It takes time to grasp the enormity of that.
Most years, the approach of Christmas is relentless. It is upon us before we know it, ready or not.
And yet the church calendar has set aside a season before Christmas to allow us to prepare.
Often we’re so busy rushing ahead to Christmas to appreciate the beauty of Advent.
This year, I've written some short reflections for my congregation, one for each week of Advent. It is hoped that these short reflections will help to restore just a little of the balance and allow us to pause for a time – and then to welcome all heaven breaking loose in our lives.
I explained to colleagues that it was important to take time out to prepare for the season before all hell broke loose in the headlong rush into Christmas. A colleague very gently reminded me that, rather than all hell breaking loose, what we were preparing for was all heaven breaking loose. How true. We celebrate God coming into the world in human form. It takes time to grasp the enormity of that.
Most years, the approach of Christmas is relentless. It is upon us before we know it, ready or not.
And yet the church calendar has set aside a season before Christmas to allow us to prepare.
Often we’re so busy rushing ahead to Christmas to appreciate the beauty of Advent.
This year, I've written some short reflections for my congregation, one for each week of Advent. It is hoped that these short reflections will help to restore just a little of the balance and allow us to pause for a time – and then to welcome all heaven breaking loose in our lives.
My prayer is that these brief meditations will become a part of our Christmas preparations and that, together, we will be able to welcome the Christ child with peace and hope in our hearts.