Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Fruits of labour

I've been involved in quite a few collaborative writing projects recently. One of them appeared in print today. Very exciting. It's a Scottish slant lectionary- based all age worship resource. We're piloting the 6 weeks after Easter, reviewing feedback and then hoping, having learned from that, to write some more material that will be available at the start of the new curriculum around September time.
Well done to Peter for all his presentation and publishing skills - and to the rest of the team for contributing ideas. Looking forward to seeing how useful it is.


  1. Liz,

    Front cover looks great! It really draws the eye and attracts attention. If the material inside is as good I'm really looking forward to seeing how it works out. Well done to you and the team for producing the material.

    God bless you all

  2. Oh very cool project.
    The 'Scottish slant' being a case of having got fed up with resources based on the CofE Common Worship 'we'll be ecumenical but we'll do it our way' lectionary?
    What are you guys going to do about marketing? If I can help, let me know - I was in the Christian booktrade and still have some contacts.
    An excellent idea, Liz

  3. Hi Liz,
    Sounds really good, where can I get a copy so that I can try it out?
    Hope all is well
    Love Jennifer

  4. Nik,thanks we'll bear that in mind pal.
    Jen, I'll send you a copy. Peter's hoping to have a download on his blog too but I'll use email.


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