Monday 18 May 2020

Still waiting...

Acts 1:3-4
After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. While staying with them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. 

We thought the waiting was over
We thought we’d learned all we needed to know
We thought we knew what “Follow me” entailed
After all, it’s nothing new
Sure, we needed to update
We needed to accommodate 
a new generation
a new culture
Change was coming
albeit at a snail’s pace
But now?
We’re back at square one
The factory reset button has been pressed 
And we’re all at sea again
The problem is
We’ve kind of disabled your spirit
She was so disruptive
we tethered her
somewhere she couldn’t do so much harm
We locked her up safe and sound
in our buildings
tied up by our traditions
and our constitutions
Weighed her down
with our liturgies
and our rules and regulations.
And there are so many prophets
coming out of the woodwork
All claiming to know 
how to move forward
All claiming to have the answer
All making so much noise
That it’s so damned hard
To hear your voice
Suddenly everyone is an expert
in what we should do first
On how we should emerge
And, sadly
It doesn’t look that much different
to what we had before.
Risen, Ascended Lord
Are we the best you can do?
Are you going to just stand there
while your church
all shook up, for sure
crawls back to where we were
with a few tweaks
and a few extra online offerings
but otherwise
sighs a big sigh
that we can make our buildings safe
and go and do our thing
for thus it was
and is
and shall be
I think I’ll pass this time around
Thanks, but no thanks.


  1. Not surprising that my thoughts on this topic are similar to yours, Liz. As I ponder and I go through the days and weeks and months, there is evidence that I have changed deep within from this strange time and the effects are beginning to make themselves known. Perhaps the changes are within all of us, deep within, lessons presented and needing time to be learned, and then shared for the betterment of ourselves and others. Let us not lose heart. The surface waters do not reveal what lies beneath.

  2. Thanks, Cherie. Disillusioned with religious institutions. Thankfully, there is hope beyond those!
