Friday 29 May 2020

Signs of the Spirit

As we pray, O God,
for signs of your spirit
at work in our lives today,
Open our eyes
Stir up our hearts to recognise
the myriad ways you reveal your power
played out by ordinary people:
In the son who drops off his mother’s shopping
in her porch week by week
staying outside to ensure she stays healthy
Right there is your Spirit at work
In the bereaved siblings who, scattered throughout the country
allow strangers to lay their beloved parent to rest
to prevent the virus’s spread
Right there is your Spirit at work
In the new parents forced to choose
which of them remains in hospital with their young baby
while the other waits alone and anxious at home.
Right there is your Spirit at work
In the staff nurse who sleeps
in temporary accommodation
to prevent exposing his family to danger
Right there is your Spirit at work
In the teacher who reads stories online to her class
or who, from her kitchen, teaches them to prepare food
that the school gathers and shares with their vulnerable community
Right there is your Spirit at work
In the hospital staff who spend hours
cooped up in gloves and gowns and masks
finding ways to communicate care
Right there is your Spirit at work
In the teenagers who curb their restlessness 
to stay at home
Right there is your Spirit at work
In all of these
are the tongues of fire
speaking the language of love
Love that reaches beyond restriction
to unite humanity
in the common task of healing.
And as we recognise these signs of your Spirit at work today
keep us from judging others
May we who are blessed to be able
to make the right choices
show compassion to those
whose options are fewer.
And when we find our spirits flagging
pour out your Spirit on us
again and again
For you gave your Spirit
not in one time
and one place
But for all times
and all places.
Transform our lives
and our world

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Liz. What a marvellous prayer to end a long day!
