Wednesday 25 March 2020

Be not afraid... The Annunciation

Luke 1:38
Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” 

In the midst of fear
Swamped by powerful emotions
who became mother of God
took courage in both hands
and offered:
Here I am
Mary acceded
not out of meekness
or naïveté 
but in boldness
and the fierceness
of love
On this day when we observe
the Annunciation
in the midst of pandemic
with fear all around
and emotions overwhelming
how can we offer our:
Here I am
not by repressing our fear
or denying our emotion
but, in the midst of those
dredging up a vestige
of faith
Faith that acknowledges
wherever we are
whoever we are
God’s invitation to us
is generous
and grace filled:
to be midwives of God 
for this day
In the midst of the trauma
in which we live
may we muster 
Fierce love
offering to God:
Here I am

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