Monday 12 December 2011

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

It wasn't supposed to be a candle lit carol service. We hadn't done a comprehensive risk assessment. But, when there was a major area power failure about an hour before the service was due to start and, with the 80 strong community gospel choir, the brass ensemble, the worship band and the drama group already there rehearsing in a well heated sanctuary, we decided to dig out the candles and go ahead. And what a beautiful service. What a wonderful ambience. And the baby Jesus certainly showed up, right at home in the improvised setting, enjoying the spontaneity and as disappointed as the other worshippers when the lights eventually came back on!
In those one-off unplanned moments, God is at home, inviting us to lay down our carefully choreographed schemes to make room to celebrate the advent of God with us - Emmanuel.

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