Thursday 3 November 2022

Lessons from leaves


Remember November

The leaves are still changing

Still letting go

And the ground is carpeted

with a riotous palette of colour

The leaves that contribute

to the colourful canopy above

cast no blame or shame

on those that have fallen

And the leaves that litter walkways

and swirl across paths

congregating in corners

do not look back

or regret their letting go.

Their work continues

in nourishing seeds that lie hidden

in ground that slumbers

Their work continues

in bringing joy to toddlers 

who delight in the crunchiness

they create underfoot

Their work continues

in the vast store of sustenance

that the squirrels heap up

to see them through the winter.

And we are invited to inhabit

awe and wonder

in this tangible evidence

of the rhythm of creation

in which all matter

and everything counts

and nothing is wasted

And we could do worse

than embody

the practices of the earth

as she shows us

carefully and colourfully

with extravagance and exuberance

how to embrace life

in every season.

(Liz Crumlish November 2022)