Wednesday 7 April 2021

A new take on Discernment


I tend to think of discernment as demanding

And it is

It is also invitational 

Drawing us into a space

of wonder and creative imagination

A space that is not a void

but filled with potential

A space that is large enough

to allow us to dwell


for as long as it takes 

A space hollowed out

to contain our fear

as well as our anticipation 

and to host our wildness

along with our reason

A space conducive to dreaming and plotting

and envisioning and conceiving

A space uncluttered by barriers

that encourages innovation

Discernment demands...

that we gather courage

to respond 

to the invitation that it offers.

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Noli me tangere (Do not hold on to me)

 John 20:16-17

Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ”

It’s the most natural thing in the world
to want to hold on...
To hold on 
to whatever is in front of us
because who knows
what the future will bring
To hold on
to what we know
because we fear the unknown
To hold on
to what feels good
and to what brings challenge
because alternatives 
cause us to be anxious.
Jesus’ encounter with Mary
reminds us
that only by letting go
will we experience
whatever God offers next.
Only by letting go
will we be enabled
to follow
where Christ has gone
and experience
a new way of being
that comes from letting go.
God, enable me
to be present in every moment
To take my cues from you
To discern what is mine to do
and to let go of those things
that do not further your kingdom
And, in the releasing
or relinquishing
may I know 
growth not loss
peace and not yearning
and the sheer joy of assurance
that I continue to do your will
becoming exactly 
who you created me to be
For that is enough
I am enough
Noli me tangere

Sunday 4 April 2021

Witnesses to Resurrection today


Mark 16:8

So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.


This is the account

that speaks most piercingly today

Not the tender moment in the garden

Or the women’s “idle tales”

But the flight

and the silence 

Our usual

“The Lord is Risen

He is Risen indeed


Still rings true

Of course it does

But the terror 

and amazement

are the emotions that linger

in this year of pandemic

when, it seems, for us

there may be a kind of emerging

into a changed future

For who are we -

the ones called

to witness and proclaim

resurrection today?

When so much has been lost

and lives have been forever changed?

When it seems insensitive

to speak of new discoveries 

of joy in things found

in our forced isolation 

Who are we called to be?

As we face the uncertainty

of life beyond pandemic?

In the midst

of grief and trauma

of austerity and oppression

of loneliness

or lingering illness

of growing awareness

of systemic global injustice

to which we have contributed

How are we being called

to bring resurrection light?

With trumpet fanfares

or subdued whispers

of love in action?

I believe

that living in Resurrection today

demands more of us

than ever before

It’s easier to loudly proclaim our faith

than it is to quietly live

with the anxiety

and the uncertainty

of emergence

to which we are called today

When we can no longer rely 

on all that we’ve known

when there’s no going back

to the tried and tested

but are called

to follow the Risen Christ

into a new dawn

of dismantling empires

and institutions

designed to control and oppress

and into a new era

of release for the captives

freedom for the oppressed

healing and wholeness

for all of creation

Emerging with the risen Christ

with wounds still fresh

to transform the world in love

.witnesses to resurrection 

for these days.

Saturday 3 April 2021

Holy Saturday Living


Waiting for resurrection

in the midst of uncertainty and despair

For once not knowing

how the story might end

Waiting it out on Holy Saturday - 

normally a minor inconvenience

that stops us getting straight onto the Alleluias

takes on a different hue

when the loss and fear is ours

when the stench of death lingers

when the silence of the tomb looms large

and hopelessness threatens

all that we know

invading the present

no longer confined 

to the experience of others

in a bygone age

but a reality that besets us today

as we linger by the tomb

forced to stay with the liminality 

desperate for signs

of resurrection.

When we cannot set the clock back

or be confident about the future

how are we called to be

in this moment?

To live in the confines of Holy Saturday today

demands not so much courage as the honesty

to admit that none of us knows

how this story will end

And to be prepared to look and to listen

for signs of resurrection

not in the places of noise and power

but in the forgotten and the vulnerable

in those who have suffered

yet who know that love

continues to make a difference.

Waiting for resurrection 

with those on the edges

living in that liminal space

with those who show us 

who God calls us to be

 as Holy Saturday people

in this hour.