Friday 8 January 2021

Choosing God


Luke 5:12-13

Once, when he was in one of the cities, there was a man covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean.” Then Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, “I do choose. Be made clean.” Immediately the leprosy left him.

I do choose

Jesus’ words to the leper

I do choose

Jesus’ words to us

I do choose -

Be made clean

Choosing God

awaken us today

to your positive regard

with which you choose to engage

And may we know your healing

and cleansing

right where

and when

we need it most

For love’s sake.

Tuesday 5 January 2021

The star has stopped

Matthew 2:11-12

On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.

On this feast of Epiphany

what will be the gifts that we bring?

How will we continue to worship the babe in the manger

and honour God with us

while sheltering in place?

We will bring our gold, our frankincense and our myrrh:

The gold of friendship, of reaching out to others

constantly affirming connectedness and belovedness

The frankincense of random acts of kindness, 

permeating community with a spirit of joy in giving and receiving

The myrrh of prayer quietly yet persistently offered

for the healing of the world

And we will remember the danger

for those whose homes are not safe

Those who are locked in loveless relationships

Those who have slipped through the net of benefits provision

Those who have to choose 

between food or heat

Those without digital connectivity

Those juggling work and child care

Praying for wisdom to know

how best to serve and work alongside our neighbour

And what is the other road

we are being called to travel?

Devoid of our usual tools

and places and props

how will we discern

the adventure

to which God beckons?

And how will we

appreciate the moments of the journey

as they unfold

without being distracted

by what might be our destination

using each step along the way

to pause and reflect

to wonder and enquire

to what we are being called

in this time and place.

The star has stopped

and the journey continues

to follow the baby

into danger and challenge

calling out injustice

noising up establishment 

practising impropriety

all in the name of love

and witness to

God with us


Feeding hearts and minds

 Mark 6:34

As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.

He had compassion on them

Compassion for the lost who yearned for a shepherd 

One who would lead them in love

One who would care for them 

not because of what they could give in return 

but because they merited care and compassion

He had compassion on them

and began to teach them many things

not so that they would be beholden to him

but so that they would be equipped to resource themselves

through the wisdom that he shared

Wisdom and compassion

Gifts that continued to make a difference

long after their hunger had been fed

long after they had left the lakeside

and returned to their homes and their communities

Wisdom and compassion

Gifts we receive  for sharing

Sunday 3 January 2021

Most Holy Name


Luke 2:21

Jesus Is Named

After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.


The one who saves

Named before conception

Conceived before the world began

Given for redemption

A name revered 

and reviled

Lifted high

and trampled underfoot

A name that brings comfort

and challenge

that brings unity

and division

A name that embraces


and inspires

All in a name

The one who saves


Friday 1 January 2021



Luke 2:19
But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.

Giving birth
Neither an end
Nor a beginning
But part of a continuum
that transforms
at every step
and stage
The deep reflection called forth
will be both a necessity and a luxury
A discipline worth pursuit
in the melee
of pride and pain
Giving birth to God, however
takes it all
to a whole new level
Blessed be Mary
Mother of God.