Saturday 25 February 2017

Going forward...

Going forward... Is one of those corporate, business, motivational phrases of speech that has crept into all too common usage. It seems impossible to sit through a meeting or seminar without hearing this irritating phrase. Particularly when, often, what underlies the use of the phrase is the wish to ignore what has gone before, good and bad, and simply move on, perhaps without learning lessons that the past might teach us.
Lent begins this Wednesday. Visits to my blog always spike at this time with visitors to a post about Transfiguration which is the reading the Sunday before Lent. This increased traffic has reminded me that I've been neglecting this blog recently, mainly because I've been blogging elsewhere for work.
The season of Lent affords the opportunity for review and reflection. So, going forward, I'm hoping to get back to everyday blogging here as I reflect on the journey with God in daily life. I'm hoping to reclaim this space as a place where I can look back and forward as I see signs of God along the way. It would be good to have your company as I go...