Wednesday 29 April 2009

Here today...

Our front lawn is just carpeted with blossom from the flowering cherry trees just now. When the wind gets up, it looks like snow flurrying around. The blossom is beautiful but so short lived so there is only one thing to do - enjoy it while it lasts. A wise philosophy for all the good things of life.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

From the sublime...

Not too keen on the whiff first thing in the morning but the flowers on wild garlic are beautiful. So, the day started with God and creation and ended... with a presbytery service. I really need to avoid spending too much time with my colleagues en masse. It brings out the worst in me. Tonight I decided that they really need to get out more. But, hey, what do I know, a mere "young lady". Enough said. There was a beautiful sunset on the way home - that I failed to capture on camera because I couldn't stop safely - so that restored some of the balance and majesty of the day. Tomorrow is another day, another chance to reform, as long as I don't have to conform.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Noise, noise, noise

I've been very aware this week of how busy bird life is around here. One afternoon, I decided to take advantage of the good weather and take my laptop into the garden to work. However, the birds were really noisy. Not sure whether they are mating or nest building or perhaps both. They're certainly very busy and we have discovered a couple of nests at the bottom of the garden. It will be good to monitor developments. Later on, at the beach, there were lots of swans. I've always been a bit wary of swans and these two were making really strange noises as I watched them. They may have been sweet talking each other but I decided to take no chances and backed off . Just tonight we heard a woodpecker in the garden. Must try to find his hideout. Nature is certainly very busy just now. I hope I never get too busy to be oblivious to the miracles unfolding all around.

Saturday 18 April 2009

Signs of new life

Lots of symbols of resurrection at every turn. As there should be. Easter changes the world, changes us, forever. 

Thursday 16 April 2009


Sun on our faces, wind in our hair, the deafening sound of rushing water all around us. Those were our accompaniments for lunch yesterday. What more would anyone want? Creation in all its majesty.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Eloquent enough

I love "creating" worship. So, last week I was in my element putting together some different experiences for this community as we observed Holy Week. However, the experience that attracted the most favourable comment was the Maundy Thursday worship. Worship that required no clever technology. Quite simply, it was a reading of the passion narrative with the celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The words and the symbolism moved folk far more than any skillfully crafted interpretations. A good reminder that its all there in word and in sacrament.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Risen indeed!

Well if Christ hadn't risen, the joyful sounds of the RAF St Athan voluntary band would have roused him. Worship this morning was amazing, thanks to their leading of the praise. What a way to celebrate Easter. Its my first Easter in this parish and I've no idea how I can keep up the wonderful standard set this morning! But, hey, the wonderful good news of Easter Resurrection trumps everything.

He is risen

Witnessed a beautiful sunrise on the Carrick Hills this morning at Ayr churches' Easter celebration.
Well worth the trek to take in views of the river and of the town. Now really looking forward to our Easter morning worship at Castlehill, with praise led by the RAF St Athan voluntary band. I'm sure it will most certainly rouse the dead- or at least all those who come to church to sleep! A bright new dawn indeed. Hallelujah!

Friday 10 April 2009

Jesus' passion on facebook

If you are into facebook, check out the activities of Jesus and his disciples here. Clever stuff. I particularly like the photos uploaded from disciple James' blackberry!

Thursday 9 April 2009

Journeying on

Lent and Holy Week are such rich opportunities for exploring the depths of our faith with all our senses. I love putting together liturgies and other sensual encounters to enable others to experience a sense of journeying through the season. And I'm blessed with being surrounded by folk who are willing to try new things and engage with the holy. Jesus always found new ways to arrest folks' imaginations. He didn't mess with their brains but engaged their senses, meeting people in surprising places. Its good to introduce an element of surprise in our sometimes all too familiar and predictable worship routines. The unfolding events of Holy Week cry out to be interpreted in new ways for a new people to enable fresh encounters of the love of God.

Saturday 4 April 2009

Reaching out

These are just some of the hard workers who helped out with this morning's bunny hunt. After a beautiful spring week, this morning was very wet. But that didn't deter hundreds of children dragging their parents out into the woods to hunt for the missing bunnies and then return to the church hall to claim a very welcome bacon roll. Everyone worked really hard and then enjoyed a well earned lunch together. It was great to meet so many new folk from the community. I wonder what we can offer next?